Zahedi Date Supplier | Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates

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Export of first class Zahedi datesDried Zahedi datesProperties of datesNew trade of Zahedi dates

Zahedi Date Supplier Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates > Zahedi date is one of the date cultivars in the south of the country which is mass produced in Fars, Khuzestan and Bushehr provinces. This product is one of Iran’s exports to foreign countries.

Export of first class Zahedi dates

Zahedi Date Supplier Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates
Iran has a variety of products in the field of agriculture, most of which can be exported to all countries in the world. Zahedi dates are also an example of date products that countries around the world demand for different uses. Consumption of Zahedi dates In addition to being eaten fresh and consumed, it is also widely used in various other forms such as use in the alcohol and confectionery industries.

In this site, you will get acquainted with the various properties of Zahedi dates. To know more about the properties of dried Zahedi dates, follow this article and prevent various diseases in the body.

Zahedi or Qasb dates are sweet and delicious fruits, which have a light brown or chocolate brown color. The shape of Zahedi dates is oval and its end is sharp. Zahedi dates have a lot of nutrients that are very useful for the human body, especially to prevent osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia. Dates contain vitamins such as B1 and B2, which are very useful for the body.

Dried Zahedi dates

Zahedi Date Supplier Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates
It has a lot of nutrients, it has a lot of carbohydrates that provide the body with daily energy. Dried Zahedi dates have more fiber than other dates. Each hundred grams of dried Zahedi dates have about 280 calories that are consumed. Too much of it causes overweight in a person, dried ascetic dates make a person feel full after use.

If we want to talk about the nutritional properties and properties of Zahedi dates, it is that in every hundred grams of dried Zahedi dates, there are a lot of calories, sugar, fat, carbohydrates, protein and fiber.

Properties of dates

Zahedi Date Supplier Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates
Dates are rich in vitamins, which is useful for treating some diseases and also to prevent some diseases.

Dates are very useful in preventing diseases such as colds, fatty liver, constipation in pregnant women, stroke, cardiovascular disease, cancer of the stomach and intestines, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dates for the treatment of some diseases such as: seasonal allergies, night blindness and eye disease, treatment of anemia, migraine and headache, hyperlipidemia, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, gastric ulcer, treatment of Fertility in men and diabetes is very useful.

Dried Zahedi dates are one of the most important textures in the tropical region of Iran, which has the highest percentage in the date-growing region of Iran.

New trade of Zahedi dates

Zahedi Date Supplier Buy Zahedi dates | Sale of Zahedi dates
Today, with the development of technology and new communication tools, it has become possible for traders to transfer their products to other countries in the shortest possible time. This new way of doing business, in addition to minimizing time, can also avoid many unnecessary costs. The Internet is a very clear example of a business tool that is expanding day by day.

This product is one of Iran’s exports to foreign countries. Contact us for purchase and advice.

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