Sale of Iranian pistachio slices in Lebanon
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Sale of Iranian pistachio slices in LebanonSale of Qazvin pistachio slices in LebanonSale of Iranian pistachio slices in Lebanon _ Nutex Company offers Iranian green pistachio slices with the best quality and price to the Lebanese markets.
Sale of Iranian pistachio slices in Lebanon
Are you looking for specific information about buying and selling Iranian sliced pistachios in the Lebanese market? Do you want to consult with a reputable trading company in this field?
One of the products of Iran, which has a lot to say in the world market, is the pistachio slices produced in first-class factories processing pistachio-related derivatives.
The high quality of pistachio slices produced in Iran has caused this product to be traded in large quantities in the markets of different countries, such as Lebanon, or even in high tonnage.
Of course, when exporting pistachio slices to other countries, commercial companies must pay attention to many factors that affect the quality of pistachio slices as well as increasing its sales in the market of the country in question.
Nutex Dried Fruit Trading Group is ready to start low-risk economic activity with you dear ones by signing long-term contracts by selling all kinds of slices of Iranian green pistachios for export.
Sale of Qazvin pistachio slices in Lebanon
Lebanon is one of the main buyers of Kerman pistachio kernels and Qazvin pistachio slices; The sales volume of these products in different cities of Lebanon is very high.
Qazvin is known as the largest producer of pistachio slices in the market. Pistachio slices in this region, although not very elongated, but have a very good color and taste.
To sell pistachio slices in different countries, you should pay enough attention to these features, but sometimes the color of pistachio slices is so important to the customer that she does not pay attention to its elongation.
Lebanese businessmen and merchants, as one of the most loyal customers of Qazvin pistachio slices, are more inclined to buy green pistachio slices.
Dear ones, to supply this product or other Iranian pistachio products, you can contact our colleagues in the Nutex slice and dried fruit trading group.