Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export _ Nutex Trading

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Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for exportIntroducing Fandoghi PistachioExport of Fandoghi pistachios
Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export

Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export _ Nutex Trading provides all kinds of Fandoghi pistachios for export at the best price and in any tonnage for buyers.

Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export

Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export

The price of raw Fandoghi pistachios is of special importance among buyers and traders. Because this type of pistachio has the highest volume of exports among different varieties of Iranian pistachios.

To receive prices, you can contact the experts of this collection through the communication channels available on the site.

Introducing Fandoghi Pistachio

Fandoghi pistachio is one of the round and small pistachio cultivars. This pistachio has more seeds per kilogram due to its small size, which is why it is affordable to buy. Fandoghi pistachio has a round and beautiful appearance, excellent taste and green and high-fat kernel, while Fandoghi pistachio has the lowest price among all types of exported pistachios.

Fandoghi pistachio accounts for the largest volume of pistachio production and export in the country. Fandoghi cultivar is mainly produced in different regions of Iran, including Kerman and Rafsanjan, Khorasan, Semnan, Yazd, etc. Fandoghi pistachio is also known as Ouhadi pistachio in Iran.

Export of Fandoghi pistachios

Raw Fandoghi pistachio prices for export

Fandoghi pistachio has many applicants in foreign countries due to its excellent taste and beautiful appearance. China is the largest buyer of Fandoghi pistachios. In addition to China, Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong and other countries are also the most important buyers of this pistachio.

Fandoghi pistachios are mostly made for export to price-oriented countries. Price-oriented countries are countries whose priority is to buy affordable and cheap pistachios. Of course, smiling and large Fandoghi pistachios are also used for export to quality-oriented countries.

Fandoghi pistachios are exported to various countries in the following types:

  1. Smiling Fandoghi pistachio: This type of pistachio is mostly used for export to quality-oriented countries such as France, Italy, Australia, Germany, etc.
  2. Mechanical Open Fandoghi Pistachio: Countries that are mostly looking to buy pistachios at cheaper prices buy more of these types of pistachios, such as China and Hong Kong.

Nutex Trading Company is ready to offer different types of Fandoghi pistachios in different sizes and at competitive prices to respected exporters and traders in different countries.

Contact us to order the product and know the current prices.