Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to Import / Nutex Iranian Pistachios
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Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to Import / Nutex Iranian PistachiosIranian Pistachio Production CentersRafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to ImportHow to Export/Import Iranian PistachiosRafsanjan Pistachio Varieties Prices
Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to Import / Nutex Iranian Pistachios , Nutex Dried Fruit Trading Group is ready to start a long-term and low-risk commercial activity with you dear ones by offering different types of pistachios, pistachio kernels and pistachio slices of Rafsanjan in bulk or in warm packages.
Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to Import / Nutex Iranian Pistachios
Do you know all Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to buy and import? Affordable prices and good qualities are the 2 advantages of Nutex Iranian Pistachios.
Rafsanjan pistachios are selling through the wholesale markets of different countries.
Even in Iran, There are some centers of Rafsanjan pistachios wholesale.
But in recent years, most production units are trying to sell their pistachios directly.
Iranian Pistachio Production Centers
Kerman province has long been known as the largest and only pistachio production center in Iran.
The names of different cities of Kerman province were quite famous in the world markets. And Iranian pistachio with the name of Kerman has been introduced in the markets of other countries.
But in recent years, we are witnessing the growth of the area under cultivation of pistachios in other provinces.
Khorasan Razavi, Semnan, and Yazd provinces have had significant growth in this area.
But Kerman province is still a leader in the production and export of high-quality Iranian pistachios.
A large number of production and industrial units in the field of pistachios and nuts are also operating in this province.
Various cities in this province are famous as pistachio producers:
- Kerman
- Rafsanjan
- Sirjan
- Anar
- Zarand
In some of these cities, a special type of pistachio is producing and marketing, professionally.
For example, Ahmad Aghaei Rafsanjan pistachios are the most well-known types of pistachios in these areas.
Here in this article, we tell you about Rafsanjan pistachio varieties to Import.
The Nutex company is an Iranian Pistachios production factory that exports these products directly from Iran.
Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties to Import
A large volume of pistachios producing in Iran is sending to world markets because the production of Iranian pistachios is much more than the needs of the domestic market.
Especially Rafsanjan pistachio is very popular in some countries due to its good quality.
Ahmad Aghaei Rafsanjan pistachio is in the category of long pistachios and is cheaper than Akbari pistachio.
On the other hand, in terms of taste, Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is tastier and better in appearance than Badami pistachio.
In the category of Long pistachios, the best-selling pistachio is Ahmad Aghaei.
Rafsanjan city has many pistachio production areas, but Ahmad Aghaei pistachio related to Nough, Rafsanjan has the best quality.
This type of pistachio has very colorful pistachio kernels, which call purple skin pistachios.
The shell color of this type of pistachio is also completely white and without stains.
Rafsanjan pistachios are selling through various recording terminals as well as factories operating in this area.
One of the activists in the field of selling Rafsanjan pistachios is Nutex pistachio and dried fruit company.
How to Export/Import Iranian Pistachios
To export pistachios from Iran to world markets, several steps must be considered before sending the product.
First, the type of pistachio and the size considered by customers in the target market must be determined and the product can be processed and prepared accordingly.
In the next step, it should check whether a special certificate or analysis is necessary to import pistachios in the destination country?
In some countries, especially in the European Union, a valid aflatoxin certificate is necessary for customs clearance.
Organizations and laboratories approved by these countries in Iran obtain the aflatoxin certificate.
With this method, although the price of pistachios will be a little higher, without any problems, the desired product will be cleared in the destination country and will reach the consumer.
However, in many countries, no special certificate is necessary. And pistachios can be cleared in the destination country only with a product health certificate issued at the time of customs declaration.
Of course, for export, be sure to get advice from reputable individuals and companies in this field before buying the desired product.
Rafsanjan Pistachio Varieties Prices
One of the main criteria of many buyers in global markets after quality is the price of pistachios.
The price of pistachios depends on many quality factors, some of which are:
- Pistachio type
- Size (ounces)
- Percentage of close-mouth pistachios
- Percentage of slightly open pistachios
- Deformity of shape, size, and variety
- Amount of moisture
- The appearance
- Taste
- Packaging
- Volume and amount of purchases
- Normal or Aflatoxin certified product
All these cases, along with the exchange rate of the USD, determine the price of pistachios in the Iranian market.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that in some periods of time, the exchange rate of the currencies in Iran fluctuates sharply, the pistachio market is out of stability and it becomes very difficult to buy and sell.
In times when prices are stable, the sale and export of the product are done with peace of mind.
For information on the daily sale price of Rafsanjan pistachio varieties, you can contact the Nutex pistachio sales unit.