Iranian Pistachio Price for India / White Skin Ahmad Aghaei
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Iranian Pistachio Price for India / White Skin Ahmad AghaeiIranian Pistachios for India

Iranian Pistachio Price for India / White Skin Ahmad Aghaei , One of the companies active in the field of exporting pistachios and pistachio kernels to India is Nutex Trading Production Complex.
The main activity of this group is in exporting pistachios and pistachio kernels in high volume to different countries, including India.
Iranian Pistachio Price for India / White Skin Ahmad Aghaei
Indian markets are the best for Iranian long pistachios. But how much is the Iranian pistachio price for India?
Exporting white pistachios from Iran to the Indian market is one of the very old trades between the two countries.
The vast market of India has caused the volume of pistachio and pistachio kernel exports from Iran to be very high.
Due to the relations and the presence of Indian traders in the Iranian market, they always want very competitive prices.
Prices for Ahmad Aghaei with white skin shell and purple skin kernels.
Iranian Pistachios for India

India is known as one of the major markets for Iranian pistachios.
This country, along with Russia, are the two main destinations for the export of Iranian pistachios and pistachio kernels.
The difference is that Russia buys all types of nuts but India buys long pistachios only.
As you know, in different provinces of Iran, including Kerman, Khorasan, Yazd and Semnan, the highest area under pistachio cultivation can be seen.
But among the different types of pistachios producing in Iran, pistachios that are in the long or super long category prefer by the Indian market.
Among the most important of these types can be named in order of price as follows:
- Akbari Pistachio
- Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio
- Badami Pistachio
These 3 types of pistachios have the highest order in the Indian market.
Pistachios from Iran to India often send in 10 kg carton packaging.
In the Indian market, pistachios are known both raw and roasted (salted, saffron, etc.) and this product often uses in various celebrations, especially Diwali.
The five-day festival is held in October and November in the country, commemorating traditional Indian rituals.
Pistachio Buyers Characteristics in India
Since Indian traders and merchants are very familiar with the Iranian pistachio market, they communicate with a large number of pistachio producers.
On the other hand, due to the high volume of orders, they are always looking to buy the product they want at the lowest price and are the commercial component that loads the most.
Many of these people transfer money through the banking systems of Iran and India. Some of them buy in Rials in the Iranian market.
Of course, in recent years, with the imposition of various sanctions, the Swift route has faced many problems, but there are various solutions to it.
In addition to pistachios, these traders often buy pistachio kernels in bulk to produce a variety of sweets.
Pistachio kernels and pistachio slices are very popular in the markets of different cities of India.
By the way, Please notice that the taxes for import salted pistachio to India is higher.
That’s why almost all of the buyers import raw pistachios from Iran to India.
How to Export Pistachios from Iran to Indian Market
The route of sending pistachio and its products from Iran to India is very cheap and convenient in terms of price.
The main route for sending pistachios from Iran to India is usually through Bandar Abbas International Customs.
Various lines and sea lines serve between Bandar Abbas and Indian ports, especially the two ports of Mumbai and Nhava sheva, and this has made transportation costs extremely cheap.
Inside India, it also commonly uses to transport goods via rail lines that have reasonable prices.
These costs are very important for the final price, which states in the next section.
The latest inquiry of Nutex Production Co. from shipping companies for a 20-foot container from Bandar Abbas to Nhava sheva was only $110, which is really a very small amount.
Of course, it should note that various ancillary costs such as THC, bill of lading and etc. add to this shipping cost.
Iranian Pistachio Price for India
To determine the price of white skin pistachio exports to India, all of the following must be calculated accurately:
- The price of pistachios or pistachio kernels
- Product packaging costs
- The cost of transporting goods from the factory to customs
- Cost of customs formalities
- Cost of necessary certificates for clearance of goods (including certificate of origin, health certificate, etc.)
- Shipping costs (bill of lading, container rental, THC and…)
- Clearance fee in the destination country
- Transfer from Indian customs to destination city and warehouse
All these costs should consider when buying pistachios in bulk from Iran, although many of these items can be ignored for the price of the product itself.
The first case has the greatest impact on the export price of white pistachios.
The price of pistachio itself, which of course is very close to currency fluctuations in Iran, is decisive.
To reduce this price and buy the pistachio at the lowest possible price, you must contact the production units.
Given that many exporters are not producers, we advise you to make direct contact to production factories.