Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import

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Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / importWholesale sweet Iranian almond kernels
Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import

Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import , Nutex Trading Company offers all kinds of Iranian almond kernels in high tonnage and at reasonable prices for export and import to world markets.

Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import

Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import

Mamra almond is one of the best Iranian almonds, the kernel of which is used for export to different countries due to its good taste and excellent quality.

This type of almond has a yellow, elongated kernel and a high percentage of twins and is sold at a higher price than other types of almonds.

The price of mamra almond kernels is calculated according to its size. That is, the larger the almond kernel, the better it is, resulting in a higher price. Almond kernels 80 and 90 seeds are the largest and most expensive size of mamra almond kernels.

Wholesale sweet Iranian almond kernels

Prices of Iranian almond kernels for export / import


Iranian sweet almond kernel is one of the best examples of tree almond kernel that is mainly sold in world markets. In addition to Iranian almond kernels, foreign almond kernels are also offered in the market at lower prices, which has made it difficult to sell Iranian almonds.

Iranian almond kernels are completely natural, unlike foreign almonds, which are transgenic, so they have a higher price than foreign almonds.

The lower price of foreign almond kernels is due to its transgenic, tasteless and high bitterness percentage.

There are several factors that affect the price of almond kernels, including:

  • Almond kernel type
  • Coarse and small almond kernels
  • Percentage of almond kernel fractures
  • Almond kernel quality
  • Purchase volume
  • And…

For example, among the types of almonds, mamra almonds have the highest price and Sangi(stone) almond kernels have the lowest price.

There are different types of tree almond kernels and they are divided into two groups: bitter and sweet almond kernels.

There are different types of sweet almond kernels, including:

  • Mamra Almond Kernel
  • Shahroudi Almond Kernel
  • Sangi Almond kernels
  • Moheb almond kernels(paper Almond)
  • Rabi almond kernel

Nutex Nutrition Trading allows buyers to get the best almond kernels they need at the most balanced market price in the shortest possible time to any destination of their choice.