Mamra almonds Focal suppliers
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How do you identify Mamra almonds?Providing top-grade mamra almonds on the market
The price of high quality Iranian almonds is relatively higher than other varieties of almonds. On the other hand, Iranian mamra almonds have a special name and brand in the world.
How do you identify Mamra almonds?
The best way to tell if a nut is good is to eat it. Taste it before buying any nuts. Of course, you don’t have to be very sure of this route. Because most nuts are slightly spoiled, and probably the taste may not always work. Because in such cases, “a handful of samples are not good”! Nuts with a spicy, very salty or sour taste are not suitable options. Because smelling old nuts with lemon juice or other spices prevents the customer from recognizing its antiquity and hides its original taste. Also, the taste of staleness and permanence are other signs that nuts are old. Any odor, sourness, moisture, or any other odor is a warning sign for recognizing old nuts. One of the prominent sellers of nuts in Mashhad introduces the solution of recognizing good nuts as follows: “The taste and freshness of nuts are the most important factors of good nuts.
Look carefully at the nuts. Take a sample of the seeds and cut them in half. The presence of any holes or mold and brown and black spots is a sign that they are unhealthy. So try to thoroughly inspect the nuts to make sure they are of good quality.
Some offenders use unauthorized food coloring to make their products stand out, which can lead to cancer and liver problems. Smiling pistachios, Japanese (Japanese) seeds, and especially sunflower seeds, are some of the seeds that may be dyed with chemical dyes and glazes. “These days, these methods are less commonly used and more natural dyes, such as turmeric,” says one nut seller. But you have to be careful about sunflower seeds and Japanese seeds.
An easy way to tell if a nut is colored is that if you feel that the nuts are unnaturally colored, wipe them with a damp cloth soaked in water.
For example, almonds should be about the same size and color, and this is important because nuts are not so confusing. Nuts that are not the same shape and size cannot be relied upon, and several types may be mixed together.
Salted nuts play a more prominent role in Eid-e-Sin parties and on the Haft-e-Sin table than sweet nuts and so on. You need to be more careful when buying these nuts because they are short-lived and perishable due to being smelly, so it is recommended that you buy salted and roasted nuts for as much as two weeks before your Eid. You also need to be more careful when buying such nuts because it is more difficult to detect its freshness due to the smell and use of salt, so buying low-salt nuts is good for you.
On the other hand, mamra almonds benefits are very high and people can use it to treat many of their pains.
Providing top-grade mamra almonds on the market
Due to the great properties of different types of almonds, there are many centers that offer such products, and we can prepare first-class almonds without any worries.
But all over Iran, such nuts can be prepared and used. On the other hand, mamra badam wholesale price, is much cheaper, and people can get more robots for less money.