Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs

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Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian FigsBenefits of Iranian ِDried FigsSeller of high quality dried figs in Iran
Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs_ Nutex Co

Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs_ Tejarat Pouya Trade Production and Trading Company (Nutex); Is a company dedicated to the global production, processing and export of dried fruits and dried fruits, especially high quality organic and ordinary dried figs.

Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs

Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs_ Nutex Co

Tejarat Pouya Trade Production and Trading Company (Nutex); Is a company dedicated to the global production, processing and export of dried fruits and dried fruits, especially high quality organic and ordinary dried figs.

Edible fig is one of the first plants cultivated by humans. Figs are one of the richest plant sources of calcium and fiber. Dried figs are reportedly the richest source of fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin K. This useful fruit also has many other nutrients. Figs have laxative properties and contain many antioxidants. Consumption of 40 grams of dried figs (two medium-sized figs) significantly increases the antioxidant capacity of plasma.

Iran is one of the largest producers of dried figs in the world. Iranian figs with high content of solid and soluble sugar, low acidity, light yellow skin and amber color inside, have the highest quality in all fig producing countries.
As a manufacturer and exporter of Iranian dried figs, we offer the highest quality of this product to buyers around the world.
Our products are produced in the center of Estahban famous gardens (the center of fig production in Iran and the world) and are offered in world markets. In the production and processing process, we actively participate and monitor all stages to ensure superior quality for our customers.

Benefits of Iranian ِDried Figs

Benefits of Iranian ِDried Figs_Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs_Nutex
There are many minerals, vitamins and fiber in our dried figs. These vitamins and minerals provide a range of health benefits to a number of our body systems. Important nutrients and vitamins in figs include omega-3, omega-6, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, K, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium, chlorine and a variety of antioxidants. . Dried Iranian figs are also rich in beta-carotene and carbohydrates.

Seller of high quality dried figs in Iran

Seller of high quality dried figs in Iran_Dried Iranian Figs Producer & Exporter Company| Benefits of Iranian Figs

Pouya Trading Company (Nutex); It is one of the main centers of production, sale and supply of Iranian dried fruits and nuts, including ordinary and organic dried figs.

A variety of first-class and tasty Iranian dried figs are mainly supplied by our company in European, Asian and neighboring countries.

We have all kinds of nuts, dried fruits and dried fruits available without time limit or quantity. In addition, fresh products are offered in their seasons.

Our business partners and customers are satisfied with our quality products and competitive price offers In addition, with our long experience, we have consulting services or supply of food products other than our product portfolio.

Nutex Manufacturing and Trading Company would like to welcome you to become a large family in the future commercial market.

To receive advice and place an order, contact the consultants of Nutex Dried Fruit Company now.

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