Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India _ Nutex Trading

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Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India

Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India _ Nutex Trading exports pistachio kernels, pistachio slices, pistachio powder and other high quality Iranian pistachio products to India in high volumes.

Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India

Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India

The export of pistachios and its products such as pistachio kernels, pistachio slices and pistachio powder from Iran to India has attracted a lot of attention from Indian traders. Since the production of sweets and cakes in India is very prosperous and pistachio kernels and almonds are among the raw materials of these products, the volume of orders for these products from the traders of this country is very high.

In addition to these products, pistachio slices and almond slices are commonly used to decorate them. Pistachio slices considered by Indian traders have special features, the most important of which are uniform color and proper elongation of pistachio slices.

Pistachio slices produced in Iran are the highest quality pistachio slices produced in the world. The most important feature of Iranian pistachio slices is green color, high fat and very delicious taste.

The food culture and customs of the Indian people are very similar to Iran, so much so that one of the most widely consumed food products in this country is pistachios and almonds slices, and more than a thousand tons of these products are purchased annually by Indian traders from our country.

The main route for exporting goods to India is often from Bandar Abbas to the port of Navashiva and then sent by rail to the destination city. Pistachio slices are products that must be properly packaged to prevent loss of quality and breakage. You can use different types of bulk pistachio packaging for pistachio slices.

Buy quality pistachio slices

Export of Iranian pistachios slices to India

Pistachio slice is one of the most important pistachio products and is one of the best-selling export products. Very green color, enough oil and excellent taste have caused Iranian pistachios slices to be exported to all countries of the world.

Here are some tips for buyers to buy quality pistachio slices:

  1. The quality of pistachio slices is related to its raw pistachios.The pistachio of choice for preparing pistachio slices should be very high quality and green.
  2. A good slice of pistachio is green, healthy and fresh.
  3. Quality pistachio slices do not contain any waste such as pistachio skin, pistachios or other things.
  4. It is a quality pistachio slice that is greener, more elongated and taller in color.
  5. Sliced ​​first-class pistachios have no brown or black spots.
The best and highest quality pistachio slices produced in Iran are Qazvin pistachio slices, which have a good green color and oil. After Qazvin pistachio slices, the best pistachio slices belong to Kerman province.
Nutex Trading Company exports high quality Iranian pistachio slices to different parts of the world according to the needs of buyers.
Contact us to buy the product and get more information.