White Almond reputable manufacturer – Nutex Company
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Where do you use White Almond?Buy White Almond directly from manufacturerWhite Almond reputable manufacturer – Nutex Company – White almonds, which are the best products in Iran, are sold directly in the domestic market.But in the field of exporting white almonds, among the types of almonds, the appropriate sample should be selected according to the target country’s market.Almond trees in Iran grow well due to the favorable weather conditions and give a good product.Therefore, in Iran, this product is offered directly to the market by manufacturers.
On this site, you can buy different types of these almonds from us.
Where do you use White Almond?
1- White Almond oil
To obtain almond oil, the almond kernel is crushed after cleaning and drying, and it is made into a paste, which is then pressed and the oil is extracted. This oil is called the first pressure.
Almond pulp, which is exposed to heat and chemicals from the first pressure, and the second pressure oil. Because almond oil is expensive, it is usually counterfeit and mixed with other oils, such as apricot kernel and peach kernel oil, and sold as almond oil.
As mentioned, if bitter almond oil or apricot kernels or peaches are affected by water, cyanidic acid and benzoic aldehyde are produced, which is toxic, so water should not be used to extract oil from these nuclei.
2- Bitter White Almond essential oil
This essential oil is a clear, colorless liquid that fades to yellow due to aging. Its smell is strong, its taste is scorching, bitter and very toxic. Bitter almond essential oil is easily combined with oxygen in the air and oxidized. Therefore, the container should always be completely filled and closed and kept in a dark and cool place.
3. White Almond blossoms and flowers
The flowers and blossoms of the almond tree have a pleasant smell and bitter taste.
4- White Almond fruit peel
It is consumed as a decoction. How to prepare it is to pour 50 grams of sweet almond peel in a liter of water and boil it for a few minutes, then strain it and consume it.
5. White Almond tree leaves
To make almond leaf decoction, 50 grams of tree leaves are boiled in a liter of water and then strained.
6. White Almond kernels
It is usually consumed dried and raw or roasted.
7. White Almond milk
Almond milk is not roasted from almond kernels and is prepared raw. To make it, grind 50 grams of almond kernels completely to form a powder. Then add 50 grams of sugar or sugar and mix with one liter of water to get a liquid like milk.
Buy White Almond directly from manufacturer
While all online shopping can be done online, almond tree shopping is booming. Today, the Internet is a platform where you can do a lot of real-time activities in the past at a lower cost and spend much less time and much more efficiently.
While the almond nutrition facts and the almonds health benefits are many, their popularity has also increased.
The company sees the Internet as an opportunity, and many customers find us through the Internet and contact us. You can also contact our company’s sales manager and buy almonds.
In addition to selling almonds, the company also has a high dominance in selling almond kernels. You can buy any almond kernels that you are applying for from this company. If you want to buy and sell almond kernels, just contact our sales manager and order it from the company.
Contact Nutex Company to buy from us