Saman Mamra Almond Sales Center _ Nutex Trading
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Saman Mamra Almond Sales CenterProfile of Mamra AlmondExport of Mamra almondsThe price of Mamra almond kernelsSaman Mamra Almond Sales Center _ Nutex Trading is the main center for the sale and export of Saman Mamra almonds directly in Iran.
Saman Mamra Almond Sales Center
Mamra almond is one of the best and highest quality types of tree almonds produced in Iran, which is mostly for export. This type of almond has a very sweet and delicious taste and also has a high nutritional value, which is why it is in high demand in foreign countries.
The main production of Mamra almonds is related to Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province in Iran. Saman city is the main hub of production, sale and export of Mamra almonds in this province.
Saman city, due to its good climate and fertile soil, produces a very high volume of this product every year and sends it to foreign markets.
Nutex Trading Company, as the main center of production, sale and export of Saman Mamra almonds in Iran, is ready to supply this product directly and in high tonnages to customers in different places.
Profile of Mamra Almond
Mamra almond is one of the high quality varieties of Iranian almonds. This type of almond has a very thick wood skin and is difficult to break, so it is often exported in the form of nuts. Mamra almond kernels are very good in terms of taste, color, fat and nutritional value. Mamra almond kernels are light yellowish brown in color and have an elongated shape. This type of almond naturally has a high percentage of twins.
In general, it can be said that Mamra almond is the best almond produced in the world. Mamra almonds have all the useful properties of other types of almonds together.
Export of Mamra almonds
As we have said, Mamra almonds have a thriving export, so that more than 90% of the country’s Mamra almonds are exported to various countries such as India, Turkey, Russia and Arab countries. India is the largest and main importer of Mamra almonds in Iran.
The price of Mamra almond kernels
The price of Mamra almond kernels for export is determined according to its size. The larger the size of the almond, the higher the price, and the smaller the price. To get the size of an almond kernel, first measure 100 grams of almond kernels and then count them. The number of seeds of Mamra almond kernels per hundred grams is called almond size. The lower the number of nuts per hundred grams, the larger the almond kernel and the higher the price.
Mamra almond kernels have different grades and are usually divided into groups of 80 to 150. Mamra almond kernels of 80 and 90 seeds are the largest size and have a higher price.
Nutex Trading Company offers different sizes of Saman Mamra almond kernels to different buyers and traders with quality and price guarantees.
Contact our partners to buy the product and get more information.