Sale price of Mamra almond kernels for export / import

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Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / importDetermining the size of the mamra almond kernelIranian Mamra Almond Exporter Company
Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / import

Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / import , Nutex Dried Fruit Production and Trading Company sells all types of Iranian quality mamra almond kernels at great prices, mainly for export and import.

Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / import

Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / import

What is the selection criterion for determining the price of mamra almond kernels?

Mamra almond kernel is one of the best and most delicious types of Iranian almond kernels, which has the largest volume of export / import of almond kernels.

Mamra almonds are often exported from Iran to various foreign countries such as India, Turkey, Russia, UAE, etc. Therefore, its price is of special importance, especially among traders.

The criterion for determining the price of mamra almond kernel is its size. Thus, the larger the almond kernel, the higher its price, and the smaller it is, the lower the price.

Determining the size of the mamra almond kernel

To determine the size of an almond, first remove about 100 grams of almond kernels and then count the seeds. The amount of grain in 100 grams is called almond size.

Mamra almond kernels come in a variety of sizes, including:

  • Mamra Almond Kernel 5A: Size 80_90
  • Mamra Almond Kernel 4A: Size 90_100
  • Mamra Almond Kernel 3A: Size 100_105
  • Mamra Almond Kernel 2A: Size 110_115
  • Mamra Almond Kernel A: Size 120_125
  • Mamra Almond Kernel ES: Size 130_135
  • Mamra Almond Kernel ESB : Size 140_145
  • Mini Mamra Almond Kernel: Size 150 and up

Of course, other factors also affect the selling price of mamra almond kernels, which are:

  1. Percentage of almond kernel fractures
  2. Almond color
  3. Quality and freshness of almond kernels
  4. Purchase volume
  5. Market fluctuation
  6. s Supply and demand
  7. And…

Iranian Mamra Almond Exporter Company

Sale price of mamra almond kernels for export / import

Mamra almond is one of the types of dried fruits exported in Iran in the field of almonds, which many companies sell and export in Iran.

Nutex Trading Company is one of the active groups in the field of sales And the export of Iranian almonds to world markets. Over the past several years, this group has carried out extensive activities in the field of exporting almonds to India, Turkey, Russia, Arab and European countries and is always ready to cooperate with producers, traders and importers of this product in global markets.

Contact the sales or commercial manager of Nutex Collection now to buy the product and get more information about prices, how to buy and export / import the product.