Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nuts

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Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nutsPistachio day price in Rafsanjan
Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nuts

Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nuts , Rafsanjan pistachio is very popular in export markets due to its excellent quality.

Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nuts

Rafsanjan pistachio supplier | Persian pistachio nuts

Rafsanjan pistachio is known as the best export pistachio in the world. Rafsanjan pistachios are exported from Iran to other Asian and European countries by producers and suppliers at reasonable prices.

Rafsanjan pistachio has a very high quality. In general, the best types of pistachios produced in Iran in terms of taste and quality of pistachios are Rafsanjan and Kerman, which have a very good position in export markets.

Most products of pistachio nuts in this region are related to the following types:

  • Akbari Pistachio
  • Kalle ghouchi Pistachio
  • Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio
  • Badami Pistachio
  • Fandoghi pistachio
Nutex Dried Fruit Production and Trading Group is active in the field of bulk supply and export of Rafsanjan pistachios and is ready to sign long-term contracts in this field.
This production complex buys its required products directly from farmers and then processes them in accordance with export standards in pistachio recording terminals.

As mentioned, Rafsanjan pistachios are exported in high volumes to various countries, including European countries. The most important point in pistachio exports from Iran is to study the market needs of the target country and the standards required by the customs and health organization of that country.

In European countries such as Germany, pistachios must have a health certificate for aflatoxin.

In Iran, this process is performed only in the laboratory approved by Rafsanjan Medical Sciences and its certificate is valid for presentation in the customs of different European countries.

Pistachio day price in Rafsanjan

Pistachio day price in Rafsanjan

The daily price of Rafsanjan export pistachios is not specified through a specific source.

The price of Rafsanjan pistachios is determined according to the amount of supply and demand in domestic and export markets and the exchange rate.

Due to the proximity of the pistachio harvest season in 1400/2021, the price of pistachios is expected to increase significantly compared to last year.

For this reason, the possibility of increasing the price of pistachios compared to 1399/2020 in the domestic and export market is predictable.

Therefore, we have to wait until the end of the harvest season to determine the final situation of the pistachio market in Rafsanjan and other cities.

Nutex Dried Fruit and Pistachio Group is ready to supply your desired product to your loved ones at a price without intermediaries and in high tonnages, and to deliver it in any country in the shortest possible time.

For more information, you can contact the sales managers of Nutex Collection.

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