Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & Exporter

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Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & ExporterMechanical Open Pistachio PricesProduction and Export of Mechanical Open Pistachios
Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & Exporter_ Pouya Trading Company(Nutex)

Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & Exporter_ Pouya Trading Company (Nutex); As a producer and exporter of Iranian nuts, especially pistachios, it sells all kinds of natural open pistachios and mechanicaled opened pistachio with guarante quality and reasonable prices in domestic and foreign markets.

Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & Exporter

Mechanical Open Pistachios for Sale‚ Manufacturer & Exporter_ Pouya Trading Company(Nutex)

Usually we hear a lot about lower pistachio prices from some suppliers and here we will explain how it happens. The answer is that mechanical open pistachios are offered as a mixture with natural open pistachios at a lower price! But if you still do not know what we are talking about, do not worry, we will explain it.

The pistachio kernels are fully ripe and high quality enough to break the shells naturally and turn into natural open pistachio (NO), which is one of the high quality pistachios.But that’s not the end of the story, every year a lot of closed-mouth pistachios come from farms that are mechanically opened by pistachio processing terminals to use their kernels,Or they even mix it with ordinary pistachios,
which are called mechanically opened pistachios.

Mechanical Open Pistachio Prices

Mechanical Open Pistachio Prices_Nutex Pistachio And Nuts

Mechanically opened pistachios have a lower price than natural open pistachios. Mechanical pistachios are usually marketed by manufacturers about 20 to 30 percent cheaper than natural pistachios. The reason for this is the cheaper price of the primitive closed-mouth pistachio used to produce mechanically open pistachios.

One of the important advantages of mechanically open pistachios is their very low aflatoxin content, so they are suitable for export to countries that are highly sensitive to food hygiene, such as EU countries.

Other countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, China, etc. are also the main buyers of mechanically open pistachios due to the cheaper price of this type of pistachio. This countries buy this type of pistachio mixed with natural open pistachios.

The reason for the low level of aflatoxin toxin in mechanically industrial pistachios is that the initial closed mouth pistachio has a very low amount of aflatoxin. Because aflatoxin does not penetrate in closed mouth pistachios.

However, the amount of aflatoxin penetration in open-mouth pistachios is higher, and the more mature or late-ripening pistachios are, the more likely they are to become infected with aflatoxin.

Production and Export of Mechanical Open Pistachios

Production and Export of Mechanical Open Pistachios_ Nutex Pistachio Factory

Tejarat Pouya Trade Production and Trading Company (Nutex); With years of experience in the production and export of natural open pistachios as well as mechanical open pistachios with the highest standard, has Proven that be trusted by buyers and customers.


We have developed our own domestic production, food safety and aflatoxin protocols to increase our efficiency in terms of sustainable food quality and safety.


Due to the lower price markets, we have developed our production process for “MO” open mechanical industrial pistachios, which maintains and guarantees good kernel quality.

For information on the daily rates of natural open and mechanical open pistachios, contact the NUTEX dried fruit and pistachio export sales unit.

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