California’s Largest Almond Suppliers – Nutex Almonds
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California's Largest Almond Suppliers - Nutex AlmondsCALIFORNIA ALMONDSPermanent Partnership Agreement for California Almond Major SupplyCalifornia’s Largest Almond Suppliers – Nutex Almonds:To achieve the best quality of California almonds, it is recommended to contact the main suppliers directly.
Pouya Trading Group(Nutex) has been able to provide a coherent and significant supply of this product in the global market by creating numerous associations and unions of the largest producers of almonds and almond kernels in California.
California’s Largest Almond Suppliers – Nutex Almonds
Nutex now offers regular and organic In-Shell almonds and various types of almond kernel products. Today we proudly ship our products to many foreign countries including Japan, Australia, South Korea, China, UAE, India and Germany. We strive to nurture and maintain foreign markets by offering high quality products that exceed customer expectations.
The almond is one of the most versatile nuts in the world. We eat many varieties in many diverse forms. Almonds are delicious alone as a nutritious snack, and they are a prime ingredient in home kitchens and in food manufacturing. Almonds enhance virtually every food they grace with their distinctive taste and satisfying crunch.
California is the only place in North America where almonds are grown commercially. In the past 30 years, California’s almond yield has quadrupled. More than 450,000 acres in the lush San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys are under almond cultivation, stretching 400 miles between Bakersfield and Red Bluff, California.
Almonds are California’s largest tree nut crop in total dollar value and acreage. They rank as the seventh largest U.S. food export. Approximately 6,000 almond growers produce 100 percent of the commercial domestic supply and more than 70 percent of worldwide production. Over 90 nations import California almonds. Overseas, Germany is the largest market for almonds, consuming about 25 percent of the export crop, followed by Japan at about 12 percent. Other major importers include the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, India and Spain. The Pacific Rim nations are a rapidly growing market for California almonds.
Permanent Partnership Agreement for California Almond Major Supply
By concluding contracts with companies supplying almonds in bulk, California almonds can be procured with excellent quality and competitive price.
To buy the product and get more information, contact Nutex experts.