Buy Iranian pistachios for export

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History and roots of pistachiosAthlete health and pistachio nutrition:

Buy pistachios – Buy Iranian pistachios for export – Buy and sell the best Iranian pistachios – In this company, the best types of pistachios are sold in bulk. You can buy different types of pistachios at a reasonable price from this company. We export high quality pistachios to different countries. You can also contact us for bulk pistachio exports.

Pistachio Tree Information: Pistachio belongs to the Ancardiaceae family. This tree grows in areas where winters are very cold and summers are hot and long. Pistachio tree can withstand different temperatures: up to 45 degrees Celsius and less than -25 degrees Celsius. This plant is very strong against drought and hot weather in summer. Pistachio trees are second (after dates) that can survive for a long time without water. Their roots reach deep into the soil to find water. Depending on the environment in which the tree is planted, a pistachio tree will start to rain between 7 and 10 years after planting and will continue to live and bear fruit for about 80 to 100 years.

In appearance, a tree is very wide and has many branches that extend around it and sometimes it is about seven meters wide. The crop is almost red or white and grows in clusters like grapes. There is a hard shell around the edible pistachio kernel.

History and roots of pistachios

Pistachio trees have grown in the Middle East for thousands of years. Pistachios have always been a delicious food in this area. Pistachios are mentioned in the Old Testament. The best pistachios – buying and selling the best Iranian pistachios – In this company, the best types of pistachios are sold in bulk. You can buy different types of pistachios at a reasonable price from this company. We export high quality pistachios to different countries. You can also contact us for bulk pistachio exports.
Name: Engineer Farhani
Issue: 09120992779

In Iran, the pistachio trade and ownership of pistachio orchards meant wealth and position. Legend has it that the pistachio was the favorite of the Queen of Sheba, who demanded all of her land produce for herself and her court. Through the conquests of Alexander the Great, the bead reached Greece. Later, under the rule of the Roman emperor Tiberius (first century AD), this brain entered Italy and Spain.

Athlete health and pistachio nutrition:

Nutrition is important for athletes, whether exercising for health or exercising for competition. A healthy diet ensures that both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts improve their bodies with the fuel needed for better and faster performance. Whatever your goals, be sure to include a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your meals and snacks, and stay hydrated.

The best pistachios – buying and selling the best Iranian pistachios – in this company, the best types of pistachios are sold in bulk. You can buy different types of pistachios at a reasonable price from this company. We export high quality pistachios to different countries. You can also contact us for bulk pistachio exports. Name: Engineer Farhani Issue: 09120992779

Pistachio nutrition can help. These little green nuts provide a healthy, portable snack option that you can refuel before and after refueling. Protein is an important part of an athlete’s diet that helps build and maintain muscle. In fact, studies have shown that eating protein before exercise may help reduce post-exercise pain. Pistachios have 6 grams of protein (49 nuts) per serving. This is the amount of protein in a serving of soybeans.

The best pistachios – buying and selling the best Iranian pistachios – in this company, the best types of pistachios are sold in bulk. You can buy different types of pistachios at a reasonable price from this company. We export high quality pistachios to different countries. You can also contact us for bulk pistachio exports. Name: Engineer Farhani Issue: 09120992779