Almond mamra unshelled Distribution centers
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Tips for Purchasing almond mamra unshelledDistributing almond mamra unshelled in bulk
Almonds are commonly known as nuts and dried fruits, but almonds are actually plum fruits. Currently, the largest production and export of almonds in the world belong to the United States, Spain, and Italy. In Iran, almond mamra unshelled tree with its pink and beautiful flowers grows mostly in cold and dry regions of Iran.
Tips for Purchasing almond mamra unshelled
The best and most attractive type of Mamra almond, which is classified in a special place due to its unique quality and characteristics. This almond does not need the staining step at all, which is one of the almond processing stages, because it is completely perfect. A thin outer shell, a medium-sized kernel with a smooth, light brown surface are the hallmarks of pearl bread.
Almonds, which are mostly grown in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, are of this type. It has a high commercial value and its fruit quality is very good. Its outer shell is hard, it has a sweet taste and its oil content is high, which seems to be suitable for the health industry and the production of almond powder.
The price of this type of almond is more expensive than the stone type almond. 36% of this type of almond mamra unshelled supplier has twin kernels that are pressed together in the shell. For this reason, most of its brains are crooked. Cultivars of this type of almond are usually hybrid due to their association with other types. For example, one of these cultivars is midwifery stone, which is obtained by combining these two types of almonds.
Distributing almond mamra unshelled in bulk
Mamra almonds protect its kernel from moisture, pollution, and light. For this reason, whole almonds (almonds with wood skin) have a longer shelf life than broken almonds (almond kernels). If you want to buy whole almonds, the best season to buy them is late summer or early fall. In other seasons, fresh almonds are not available in the market.
Take a few almonds and hold them close to your ears and shake well. If the cracking sound of the almond kernel was loud, it means that the almond kernel is small and wrinkled and a long time has passed since the almond was introduced to the market. Another way is to ask the seller to break some almonds.
Now break the almond kernels in half. The inner tissue of the almond kernel should be white and crisp. If it was yellow or had a soft, waxy texture, it was rotten and bitter. You can easily crush and try paper almond mamra unshelled price, whether raw or roasted and salted. Of course, bitter almond kernels may also be found in fresh almonds, but this bitterness, if accompanied by discoloration, indicates rot and old age of the almonds. Bitter almonds are not usually found among American almonds. But a percentage of sweet Iranian almonds come out of the water bitter.