The best Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachio in the market

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The best Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachio in the marketThe highest quality Kalle ghouchi pistachio for exportPurchase price of kalle ghouchi pistachios for exportCompanies exporting kalle ghouchi pistachios
Purchase price of kalle ghouchi pistachios for export

The best Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachio in the market / It is possible to buy Kalle ghouchi pistachios in bulk and without intermediaries in this collection.

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The best Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachio in the market

The best Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachio in the market

The best kalle ghouchi pistachio for export of Iran is grown in domestic and foreign markets in Rafsanjan. Most pistachios are exported from this city, including Kalle ghouchi pistachios.

This type of pistachio is very large and that is why this type of pistachio has many customers in foreign markets. In fact, this type of pistachio is one of the luxury pistachios and the price of this type of pistachio is expensive in the market, so most buyers of this type of pistachio from They are considered rich foreign countries.

The highest quality Kalle ghouchi pistachio for export

The highest quality Kalle ghouchi pistachio for export


The highest quality kalle ghouchi pistachio is cultivated for export in Kerman province and Rafsanjan city.

Rafsanjan Kalle ghouchi pistachio tree is sensitive to lack of water and fertilizer. The branches of this type of pistachio have five leaflets, the terminal leaflets of this type of tree are larger than their lateral leaflets.

This cultivar of pistachio is early flowering and is sensitive to the cold of spring, and if the cold penetrates it, it will cause the flowers of this type of pistachio to disappear. This product will be harvested in the second decade of September.

Purchase price of kalle ghouchi pistachios for export

Purchase price of kalle ghouchi pistachios for export

The purchase price of Kalle ghouchi pistachio for export is very high in the market and the high inflation that Iran and other countries are facing these days has caused the price of this type of pistachio to increase. Also, the rise of the dollar has caused the price of this product to increase compared to previous years.

The characteristics of pistachio cultivars affect the price of my pistachios, including Kalle ghouchi pistachio. One of the most delicious types of pistachios is Kalle ghouchi pistachio.

This type of pistachio is mostly cultivated in Rafsanjan. The place of cultivation of this type of product affects the price of Kalle ghouchi pistachio, and the higher the quality of pistachio, the higher its price.

Companies exporting kalle ghouchi pistachios

Companies exporting kalle ghouchi pistachios

Companies exporting Kalle ghouchi pistachios in Iran buy this product from various producers and then sell this type of pistachio to export markets.

Kalle ghouchi pistachio, whose brand name is Jumbo Pistachio, is one of the highest quality pistachios for export in Iran. This type of pistachio is the second largest export after Fandoghi pistachios.

This type of pistachio is used for nuts, foods, sweets and desserts. The large size and high quality of this type of pistachio has caused many customers in global markets.

NUTEX is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of Kalle ghouchi pistachios and other types of exported pistachios in Iran.

This collection offers a variety of Iranian Kalle ghouchi pistachios with the best quality and the most appropriate price to the world markets.

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