Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier – Bulk Sale

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Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier - Bulk SaleNutritional value of Kalle Ghouchi pistachio(Jumbo)Wholesale price of pistachio
Which company producer pistachios in Rafsanjan?

Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier – Bulk Sale, Pouya Trading Company (Nutex); One of the most experienced and well-known suppliers and exporters of pistachios and its products in Iran, which produces and supplies its products with high quality and in accordance with international standards of pistachios and using modern technology and fully automatic devices in global markets.

Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier – Bulk Sale

Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier - Bulk Sale_ Nutex Company

Kalle ghouchi pistachio or the so-called “Jumbo Pistachio” is another type of commercial pistachio in Iran, which is very popular in the global dried fruit export market. This type of pistachio has a unique appearance and delicate taste. Many people mention Kalle ghouchi pistachio as one of the most popular products in Iran, which is mainly harvested in Rafsanjan city.

Its unique taste and large and unique appearance, along with several essential health benefits, is the most important factor in the success of Jumbo Pistachio in the global market. Jumbo(Kalle ghouchi )sample should not be known as a luxury product and is very popular in different countries, especially in the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and European countries.

The main supply of first-class varieties of  jumbo pistachio is exported to export markets such as Germany, UAE, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Lebanon, Canada, Kuwait and the Netherlands.

Tejarat PouyaTrading Company (Nutex); One of the most experienced and well-known suppliers and exporters of pistachios and its products in Iran, which produces and supplies its products with high quality and in accordance with international standards of pistachios and using modern technology and fully automatic devices in global markets. he does.

For bulk purchase of Jumbo(Kalle ghouchi) pistachios and other types of Iranian pistachios, you can contact the sales managers of Nutex Dried Fruit Group.

Nutritional value of Kalle Ghouchi pistachio(Jumbo)

Nutritional value of Kalle Ghouchi pistachio(Jumbo)_Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier - Bulk Sale_ Nutex Company

Jumbo pistachio(Kalle Ghouchi), like other types of pistachios, is rich in nutrients and useful. Jumbo Pistachio is a rich source of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, protein, vitamin K and calcium.

Including pistachios in your daily diet can help reduce stress and relax your body. These nuts can also be useful for strengthening the nervous system. Recent studies have shown that pistachios are essential for reducing the risk of heart attack and any related disease. Iranians also used pistachios in ancient times as a home remedy for digestive problems. Studies show that regular consumption of pistachios can lower cholesterol levels and be an excellent source of antioxidants.

Jumbo pistachio is a good source of various vitamins, including vitamins E and K, which are essential for protecting the body against a variety of cancers. In addition, recent studies have shown that pistachio consumption can increase the absorption of gamma tocopherol in the body. The latter can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Wholesale price of pistachio

Wholesale price of pistachio_Jumbo Pistachio Wholesale Supplier - Bulk Sale_ Nutex Company

In order to have the bulk purchase price of Kalle ghouchi pistachio, the following items must be specified:

− destination country
− Purchase volume
− Custom size
− Percent of closed mouth
− Natural or mechanical openness
− Raw or salty (roasted or non-roasted)
− Package type
− Terms of delivery
− Payment method (Rials, Dollars, Euros and…)

All of the above, along with the daily exchange rate, are the most important factors affecting the price of pistachios.
If you define all of the above and need to receive the price, you can contact the sales department of NUTEX Company.

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