Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India

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Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India

Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India _ Nutex Trading in the field of production, packaging and export Mamra almond kernel operates in India and other foreign countries.

Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India

Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India

Iran is very rich in terms of agricultural production due to its good climate and climate. Among the agricultural products of Iran, we can name the types of tree almonds. One of the quality cultivars of Iranian almond is Mamra almond, which is exported to India in large quantities every year.

The price of Mamra almond kernels

As we have said, Mamra almond is one of the export figures of Iranian almond and has a very high export volume. Mamra almonds are often broken and used as almond kernels for export. Knowing the daily price of Mamra almond kernels is one of the most important things for businessmen and traders who work in this field.

In general, the price of Mamra almond kernels is determined by its size. That is, the larger the almond kernel, the better it is and the higher the price. Mamra almond kernels have different grades and are usually divided into groups of 80 to 150. Mamra almond kernels of 80 and 90 seeds are the largest size and have a higher price.

To calculate the size of an almond kernel, first separate 100 grams of almond kernels and then count the seeds. The number of seeds per 100 grams is called the size of an almond. The lower the number of almond kernels per hundred grams, the larger the almond kernel, resulting in a higher price.

The purchase price of Mamra almond kernels in India

The bulk purchase of Mamra almond kernels in Iran from farmers is done by workshops active in the field of breaking and preparing Mamra almonds for export. Calculating the price of Mamra almonds in the country largely depends on the exchange rate. Due to exchange rate fluctuations in the country, the price of Mamra almonds also varies. But this is less the case in foreign countries like India because their currency is more valuable.

The price of Mamra almond kernels in India is around $ 50 to $ 60. The difference in this pricing is also due to the difference in the size of the Mamra almond kernel.

Export price of Mamra almond kernels to India

Profile of Mamra Almond

  1.  Mamra Almond is a native of Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province in Iran.
  2. Mamra almond is one of the late cultivars of almond flower, but its fruit is early.
  3. The taste of Mamra almond kernel is one hundred percent sweet and not bitter.
  4.  Mamra almonds naturally have a high percentage of twins.
  5. Its brain percentage is 50%.
  6. Mamra almond kernels are rich in oil.
  7. It has a high nutritional value.
  8. Mamra almond kernels have a light yellowish brown color.

In general, Mamra almonds have all the useful properties of other types of almonds together, therefore, it has a very high quality.

Export of Iranian Mamra almonds

As we have said, Mamra almonds are one of the export figures of Iranian almonds, about 90% of which are exported abroad. Exports of Iranian Mamra almonds to many countries, but the most important export destination of Mamra almonds is India.

After India, the Arab countries, Turkey and Russia are the largest buyers of Mamra almonds. It can be said with confidence that Mamra almond is the highest quality almond produced in the world. This type of almond has had a very significant export volume in recent years, which shows the high quality of this product.

Nutex Trading, as the largest exporter of Mamra almonds in Iran, is ready to cooperate with reputable importers and traders in various places.

Contact us to buy the product and get more information.