Export of raisins to Russia / Nutex Company
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Export of raisins to Russia / Nutex CompanyExport of raisins to RussiaProduction of suitable export raisinsRaisin exportersExport of raisins to Russia / Nutex Company , Nutex Production and Trading Complex, which is also engaged in the export of Iranian raisins, offers Hood products extensively and at competitive prices to global markets.
Export of raisins to Russia / Nutex Company
Exporting raisins to Russia can be profitable for the producers of this product.
Iranian raisins are among the dried fruits that have many fans in and out of the country. Its price is also very affordable.
Dried raisins are grape fruit and are full of energy. It has a warm nature and is rich in minerals and can be used as a snack. Exporting / importing this product along with other foodstuffs can be beneficial for traders.
Export of raisins to Russia
Russia is one of the countries to which raisins are exported. To export raisins to Russia, you need to have the following certificates:
- Health certificate from the Food and Drug Administration
- Standard certificate
There is no need to pay customs duties when exporting raisins to Russia. Factors that affect the amount of raisin trade in the world can be named as follows:
- Prices should be stable.
- Reasonable pricing
- Exchange rate ratio
The higher the exchange rate, the negative impact on market demand. Apart from Russia, raisins are also exported to other countries, the most important of which are:
- Country of Saudi Arabia
- Germany
- Countries south of the Persian Gulf
- Australia
The types of raisins that are suitable for export fall into three categories:
- Sunny raisins
- Types of grapes
- Tizabi green raisins
The country’s climatic conditions have led to the production of various garden products, especially grapes and raisins.
Production of suitable export raisins
- Quality of raisins produced
- Good and stylish packaging
- Reasonable pricing
- And …
Raisin exporters
The largest exporters of raisins in the world are Turkey, the United States and Iran.
Turkey produces 4 million tons of grapes a year on 550,000 hectares of arable land, which converts 37% of the total grapes into raisins. Sultan raisins are the most common type of raisins in Turkey, which has the most exports. This country is the first in the world in the production of raisins.
The United States is the second largest exporter of raisins in the world. US export raisins are typically produced in California. In 2014 and 2015, 332,760 tons of raisins worth $ 709.5 million were produced. In 2014 and 2015, the country exported approximately 140,000 tons of raisins to various countries around the world.
Iran is the third largest exporter of raisins in the world after the United States and Turkey. 27% of the world’s raisins are exported from Iran, which earns the country $ 250 million annually. Iran exports more than 100 countries to the world, including Britain, France, Australia and the top 9 raisins.
For more information in this regard, as well as the daily price of raisins, you can contact the Nutex sales unit.