Estahban organic dried figs Supplier – Iranian Dried Fruits
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Estahban organic dried figs Supplier - Iranian Dried FruitsIranian Dried Figs Price
Estahban organic dried figs Supplier – Iranian Dried Fruits,Pouya Trading Company (Nutex); Is the largest producer and supplier of dried figs and other dried Iranian fruits. Nutex Trading Group offers this product to buyers in different sizes and various packages. These goods come from Estahban. Estahban is a city in Fars province in Iran. Estahban region is very fertile and is the largest producer of dried figs, saffron, cereals, cotton, walnuts, almonds, grapes and other fruits in the Middle East. Estahban is the most famous supplier of figs to world markets.
Estahban organic dried figs Supplier – Iranian Dried Fruits
Direct supply of Estahban organic dried figs for export to other countries is booming.
Estahban dried figs are offered in very high volumes in international markets. One of the most important reasons for the popularity and popularity of Estahban figs is its delicious taste, high nutritional value and being organic.
Pouya Trading Company (Nutex); Is the largest producer and supplier of dried figs and other dried Iranian fruits. Nutex Trading Group offers this product to buyers in different sizes and various packages. These goods come from Estahban. Estahban is a city in Fars province in Iran. Estahban region is very fertile and is the largest producer of dried figs, saffron, cereals, cotton, walnuts, almonds, grapes and other fruits in the Middle East. Estahban is the most famous supplier of figs to world markets.
Iranian dried figs are one of the unique types of figs in the world due to their color, taste and size. Iranian figs are widely consumed in the world.
For more information about Nutex products, you can contact our consultants.
Iranian Dried Figs Price
The daily price of dried figs produced in Iran is often determined based on various parameters, among which the following can be mentioned;
− Fig size
− Color and taste
− Product quality
− Purchase volume
− Package type
− Destination of the load
− The price of the dollar
If you want to receive our amazing offers on the price of our products and services, contact us and get a free consultation.