Buy Mamra almond kashmir at wholesale price

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What are the price of mamra almond kashmirPurchase mamra almond kashmir in bulk

The criterion for determining the price of Mamra almond kashmir is its size. The more nuts obtained from one kilogram of midwife almonds, the lower the price and the lower the number, the higher the price. The method of calculating the size of Mamra almond is as follows: we separate the amount of one hundred grams from the almond kernel and count the seeds of this hundred grams. The amount of seeds in this hundred grams is the size of the almond.

Buy Mamra almond kashmir at wholesale price

What are the price of mamra almond kashmir

What are the price of mamra almond kashmir The price of Mamra almond has increased significantly last year compared to previous years.

This increase is due to the low yield at the end of the season and the frost and breakdown of this year’s crop.

Almonds with skin can be stored for longer than kernels. Therefore, they usually do not try to break the almonds and separate the kernels from the skin before placing the order.

Due to this, the quality of almond kernels will be high at the time of supply. There are several countries in the world that are very interested in Iranian Mamra almond, but in the meantime, India is the largest buyer of this product.

Most Iranian Mamra almonds are exported by sea to India. In recent years, the price of Mamra Elmand in India has increased.

Among the reasons for the increase in almond exports are exchange rate fluctuations and a sudden increase in the value of the dollar against the Iranian rial. This has boosted Mamra almond exports even more. kashmiri badam 1kg price is determined according to the type of product.

Purchase mamra almond kashmir in bulk

Purchase mamra almond kashmir in bulk One type of almond kernel that has many fans in the world is mamra almond kernel. mamra almond is a type of almond that grows in the tropics.

Existence of a large number of these trees in India and also the arrival of this product, which was made for the first time in Iran from India, has caused this product to be known as mamra almond in Iran.

As mentioned earlier, this crop grows in tropical climates and grows in Africa and South America in addition to India. mamra almond is not produced in bulk in Iran. You can buy kashmiri almonds from this site

Pricing of this product for sale is determined according to the size of the almond kernel, the percentage of twins and broken in the load. Among the almonds available in the market, mamra almond is very popular among nuts because the weight of the edible kernel is higher than its skin, so it is more economical to buy.