HS Code Product

  1. What is HS Code? The HS Code is a performance standardization system for the identification and classification of products designed by governments to address tax, pricing, budgeting, and economic policies.Tariff and non-tariff measures include international trade regulations and other types of foreign economic activity, as well as the maintenance of customs statistics.

  1. In international trade, all trade goods are classified according to a harmonized international standard, and in the book of Iranian Export and Import Regulations (prepared by the Export and Import Regulations Office of the Trade Development Organization of Iran), goods are divided into 21 parts and 98 chapters in double-digit format. Eight-digit coded and published annually and made available to the public.
  1. Each product has a standard eight-digit code (tariff number) and is used in the same way in all organizations, including the Tax Administration, the Trade Development Organization, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, which indicates the specifications of the product. International Commodity Code specifies many details of goods that in global markets, buyers and sellers of goods record the international commodity code, which is HS – CODE, in their invoices.
  1. In other words, the HS Code is a performance standardization system for the identification and classification of products designed by governments to address tax, pricing, budgeting, and economic policies. HS Code is an international system implemented by the WTO. In this system, all goods are classified in countries based on an 8 or 10 digit code, the first 4 or 6 digits are shared between member countries, and the next 2 or 4 digits can be different based on the country classification space.
  1. Since this tariff is common among countries up to the first 6 digits from the left, so it can be a good standard for distinguishing goods in correspondence and trade. In the following, we have brought you the HS code of nuts and dried fruits.


  1. Dates are a heavenly and very nutritious fruit, which has many minerals such as iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and vitamins A, B and E. Research on dates has shown that this heavenly fruit can prevent many cancers such as colon, stomach and other cancers. One of the properties of dates is that they are laxative, provided that you soak 6 to 7 dates in 2 glasses of boiling water and drink it hot in the morning and night, or sip some dates and immediately drink one or two glasses of warm water. Drink it. You can also eat dates as a fruit.

HS Date Code

  1. Estamran dates fresh or dried 08041090
  2. Fresh or dried Kabkab dates 08041020
  3. Freshly dried Piyarom dates 08041030
  4. Fresh or dried Mazafati dates 08041040
  5. Freshly dried Shahani dates 08041050
  6. Freshly dried Zahedi dates 08041060
  7. Other unmentioned dates elsewhere freshly dried 08041090

  • Nutritional value per 100 grams:
  1. Energy (kcal): 277 Water (%): 20 Protein (g): 1.81 Fat (g): 0.15 Carbohydrate (g): 74.97 Fiber (g): 6.7 Calcium (mg): 67
  2. Phosphorus (mg): 62 Sodium (mg): 1 Potassium (mg): 696 Vitamin K (mg): 2.5


  1. The growth of dried grapes, known to all as raisins, dates back centuries. Raisins were produced in Iran and Egypt in 2000 BC. Raisins were used in Rome as a prize for people who decorated places of worship and for the winners of sports competitions.

HS Code:

  1. Raisins Raisins 08062010
  2. Seed acidic raisins 08062020
  3. Seed acidic raisins 08062030
  4. Sunny raisins 08062040
  5. Seedless sunless raisins 08062050
  6. Seedless grape raisins 08062060
  7. Seedless green Kashmar raisins 08062070
  8. Green Kashmar Raisins 08062080
  9. Other unmentioned raisins 08062090

  • Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  1. Energy (kcal): 289 Water (%): 18 Protein (g): 2.5 Fat (g): 0.2 Carbohydrate (g): 77.4 Fiber (g): 0.9 Calcium (mg): 62 Phosphorus (mg): 101 Iron (mg): 3.5 Sodium (mg): 27 Potassium (mg): 762 Vitamin C (mg): 1
  1. description:

Pistachio is a tree with two bases of the pistachio family, which is known as Iranian pistachio in terms of quality. Pistachio is one of the most important agricultural products in the country, which is extremely important in various economic, social, environmental and other aspects. The production value of this precious and unique product is about 10% of the country’s non-oil revenues.

  1. HS Pistachio Code

Types of pistachios: 080250

Types of pistachios: Ouhadi – Koleghoochi – Ahmad Aghaei – Akbari – Qazvini – Fandoghi

  1. Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Energy (kcal): 557 Magnesium (%): 121 Protein (g): 20.6 Fat (g): 44.44 Carbohydrate (g): 27.97 Fiber (g): 10.3 Calcium (mg): 107

Phosphorus (mg): 376 Sodium (mg): 1 Potassium (mg): 1025 Vitamin C (mg): 5 Vitamin E (mg): 22.6

  1. Dried fruit is known in the world customs with tariff code number 0813.
  1. Figs is known in the world customs with tariff ( code number 08042000)

  1. Saffron: 091020
  2. root cutting of Damascus rose: 06011010
  3. saffron in 10 to 30 grams packaging: 09102040
  4. not worn saffron in 10 grams packaging: 09102010

  1. not worn saffron in 10 to 30 grams packaging:  09102030
  2. saffron powder in less than of 10 grams packaging: 09102020
  3. Ginger, saffron, turmeric, thyme, leaves the cave, curry and other spices: 0910

  • Pistachionut in second shelled and chip – is known in the world customs with tariff ( code number 08025220 )