Daily price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios for export to India

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Daily price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios for export to IndiaAhmad Aghaei Pistachio Nuts | Iranian PistachioAhmad Aghaei pistachio day price in Nutex collection
Ahmad Aghaei pistachio day price in Shadiz collection

Daily price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios for export to India /High quality pistachios of Iran in the collection of dried fruits and Nutex pistachios are offered to world markets, the most important of which are Ahmad Aghaei, Fandoghi, Kalle ghouchi, Akbari and Badami pistachios.

Daily price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios for export to India

Daily price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios for export to India

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is one of the most popular types of Iranian pistachios in export markets. This product is offered at the current market price for export to various countries, including India, in Nutex Production and Trading Complex.

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is increasingly welcomed in domestic and export markets due to its unique quality and reasonable price.

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is produced in a very high volume in different regions of Iran, so Iran is known as a producer and also the main exporter of this type of pistachio.

The highest quality pistachios of Ahmad Aghaei Iran are produced in Nogh city of Rafsanjan in Kerman province.

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio is one of the pistachios and is known as Long Pistachio in the world markets.

India is one of the main countries requesting the import of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios from Iran.

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio Nuts | Iranian Pistachio

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio Nuts | Iranian Pistachio

Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are exported in bulk and packaged to various Asian, European and Arab countries.

India is one of the most important export destinations for Iranian pistachios. Every year, a significant volume of Iranian pistachio products is exported to this country, which mainly includes Ahmad Aghaei pistachios and to a lesser extent Akbari pistachios.

Among the different cultivars of exported pistachios, the best option for export to India is white and white pistachios by Ahmad Aghaei. The beautiful appearance and good taste of pistachios as well as white skin are the main parameters of pistachio exports to this country, which Ahmad Aghaei pistachios have all these characteristics.

This feature has caused global markets, including the Indian market, to request the purchase of this product. These products are often exported from Iran to India by sea to Delhi and Mumbai by sea.

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio day price in Nutex collection

 Ahmad Aghaei pistachio day price in Shadiz collection


For information on the daily price and transaction in bulk and high tonnage of Ahmad Aghaei Iran pistachios in Nutex collection, it is enough to contact the sales managers of this collection directly.

Ahmad Aghaei quality pistachio from Rafsanjan is one of the excellent products that has conquered most of the pistachio export markets.

The unique quality of this product is a sensitive parameter for global buyers. Also, reasonable and balanced price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio in Iran is another parameter that can be mentioned.

Contact Nutex Production and Trading Consultants now for advice, purchase and daily price of this product.


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